SAP B1 Case Study - H & H Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Client Information
Product & ServicesAuthorized reseller for HP products: server, laptops and desktops
Solution we providedSAP Business One
Revenue₹ 40 Cr
Case study details
SAP Business One helps H&H Technologies to manage their business operations more efficiently
Before: Challenges and Opportunities
- Inventory visibility and availability
- Various systems that cannot be integrated
- Lack of support from previous ERP provider
- Wastage of papers as lot of work is done manually
Why SAP and Indivar Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd
- Integrated Solution
- Better Warehouse Management
- Standard as well as easy customized reports
- Very user friendly
After: Value-Driven Results
- Increase in overall operational efficiency
- Consolidation of financial and stocks data has improved purchase planning
- Reduced stock outs which in turn has reduced lost opportunities
- Flexible and scalable platform that can grow with the company.
- Able to analyze trends and make informed decisions
- Clear visibility on payments and outstanding dues of the customers
Client Feedback
I was not getting proper support from my previous ERP provider, SAP B1 product is a world class product and Indivar support was very commendable